Annual Result Declaration PTM was held in CT Public School on 4th March for class IX.The parents were delighted and satisfied to witness the remarkable progress in their children. The students were jubilant to be promoted to the next higher class. The parents and students gathered around the display board to see their names flashing on it. The top scorers in each class were also displayed and were the centre of attraction for the day.
The Principal, Mrs. Anuradha Chandel and Vice Principal appreciated the efforts of all the students and congratulated them on their success.
In the modern times children are more inclined to eat junk food.
They avoid eating healthy food and enjoy junk food ,which is not good for the health. So CT Kindergarten conducted eat healthy food activity, where children were made aware that they should eat fruits and vegetables which is good for the health.
Honourable Principal Mrs. Anurdha Chandel and Vice Principal Mrs. Sukhdeep Kaur also motivated the students to eat fruits and vegetables which is good for the health.
This activity was very helpful for the children as they got motivated to eat fruits and vegetables which are very nutritious for the health and growth.
Even the parents were very enthusiastic, that such type of activities should be on the regular basis which helps their children to eat healthy food rather then consuming junk food.
Mar 3, 2023
Morning Assembly is an important part of the school’s schedule. CT Public School is very particular in conducting its morning assembly.
Morning assembly is a time of peace and quiet and when everyone gathers at one place and joins hands to praise the God for providing us with a whole new day.
The assembly includes
prayers,inspiring thoughts and speech,Poetry recitation, Birthday wishes. But today's assembly was special as there was group dance performance and also certificates were given to the students by worthy Principal , Mrs. Anuradha Chandel and Vice Principal, Mrs.Sukhdeep Kaur to the achievers in Sahodaya Group Folk Dance Competition,Rocket launching activity organised by Tech NIIT'23 and Think INDIA, Aryabhatt Ganit Challenge and story telling competition.The Principal, appreciated the efforts of the students and staff and wished them all the best for upcoming events.
Mar 2, 2023
Morning assembly is an integral part of the school’s schedule. CT Public School is always particular about its morning assembly schedule. The assembly includes prayers, information of latest happenings, inspiring thoughts, speech, national anthem, etc. In today’s assembly the Principal ,Mrs.Anuradha Chandel felicitated the participants and winners of ,”The Humanity Olympiad” and ,”MY FM ke Rangrezz, Season IX". Kavya Ahuja of class 8th Adorable was awarded First Prize for her talent in drawing and painting Punjabi Virasat and Culture. Manpreet Kaur was also awarded the certificate and trophy for winning the school topper award in the Humanity Olympiad.
The Principal congratulated all the winners and gave valuable moral teachings for life and also emphasised on the importance of reading books.
Feb 8, 2023
The circles with a common centre are known as concentric circles and have different radii. In other words, it is defined as two or more circles that have the same centre point. The region between two concentric circles of different radii is known as an annulus. An activity was conducted on concentric Circles in class 6th with the help of a compass. The Principal, Mrs. Anuradha Chandel, Vice-Principal, Mrs. Sukhdeep Kaur and HOD Mr. Rajesh Kumar Shukla appreciated the efforts of the students and also the teachers teaching these students.
Feb 8, 2023
Keeping an organised schedule requires knowing what time it is. Knowing how to tell the time allows a person to ensure that he or she catches a bus on time or determines whether or not he or she will be able to attend an event on time. So, knowledge of time is one of the important lessons for kids as they grow up; it helps them to be more independent and schedule their activities properly.
The students of grade Second Achievers of CT Public School were taught how to tell the time on the analogue clock.
The Principal, Mrs.Anuradha Chandel and Vice Principal, Mrs.Sukhdeep Kaur appreciated the way the activity was conducted and stated that time telling is a skill that requires the comprehension of time passing and the skills of numeracy.
Feb 8, 2023
A discussion was held about the coins and notes that are used in India. This concept helped the students to identify the Indian coins, Indian rupees and the numbers in notes. It helped them to realise the value of the Indian currency. Also, the students learnt to identify the Indian coins and notes. The students were asked to identify the picture of the monument printed in the notes and make the money combination using currencies. The activity was conducted under the guidance of the Principal, Mrs. Anuradha Chandel and was appreciated by Vice Principal , Ms.Sukhdeep Kaur and HOD Mr. Rajesh Shukla.
Feb 8, 2023
"We cannot prevent hurricanes or earthquakes, floods or volcanic eruptions. But we can ensure that both people and communities are better prepared and more resilient."
School preparedness drill was conducted at 11AM on 08 Feb, 2023 in CT Public School.
One of the most destructive phenomena of nature is a severe earthquake and its terrible effects.For earthquake prone areas ‘Drop, Cover, Hold’ is designed and adapted internationally with the aim of avoiding careless and dangerous behavior in order to bring less damage to people . The students of CT Public School were asked to adopt self help measures for disasters.Instructions were given to them regarding the conduct of drill .
They were informed about some important contact numbers, like- the Fire Service (101), Police Control Room (100), Disaster helpline (1077).
At last all Heads were counted in the Assembly points and they were explained all the details regarding different phases of earthquake drill . They were told to keep calm and patient.
This mock drill, successfully conducted in school brought about awareness in the students and staff members. It was indeed an effective way to guide and prepare students to remain safe during an earthquake.
The honourable Principal, Mrs. Anuradha Chandel and Vice Principal, Mrs.Sukhdeep Kaur appreciated the efforts of teachres and the way students responded and learnt from the activity.
Feb 8, 2023
The students of Class 5th A enthusiastically participated In this exciting Art Integrated Activity,. They depicted the time of waking up and sleeping on the clock and enjoyed this activity very much.
Our School Principal, Ms. Anuradha Chandel ,Vice Principal , Ms. Sukhdeep kaur and Maths HOD, Mr. Rajesh Kumar Shukla appreciated their efforts.
Feb 8, 2023
“We can teach from our experience, but we cannot teach experience".
Science is a systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge. The students of grade 6 B of CT Public School performed an activity on the topic-'To identify the different types of bones and their functions ' under the guidance of Science teacher, Ms.Sarvjit Oberoi The students participated enthusiastically and were able to understand the concept clearly . Honourable Principal ma’am , Mrs. Anuradha Chandel, Vice Principal, Mrs.Sukhdeep Kaur and HOD Science Department ,Mr. Sanjesh appreciated the way students responded and learnt something new.
Feb 7, 2023
CT Public School organized a special session on the Mental Health Awareness in the Main Hall with the vibrant presence of students of grades 6 to 8 under the directions of Honourable Principal Ma'am, Mrs.Anuradha Chandel, on 7th February, 2023 .
The resource persons on this occasion were Ms.Shreya Dogra and Ms.Yashica, masters in psychology and working for child care and education. The purpose of this session was to be able to help students better understand their mental health and imbibe the best practices to maintain positive mental health. The session was designed to help students understand the basic concept of mental health and well-being; strengthen their coping abilities to counter stress and encourage them to seek help, guidance and support. The entire session was extremely informative.
Feb 7, 2023
Our planet is on the brink of destruction. The years of torture that we humans have inflicted upon our planet has taken a toll on it and propelled it towards a point of hopelessness. We are the children of Mother Earth, and it is our duty to save our Earth. To accomplish this goal an activity was conducted with garde VI students of CT Public School Students
The students expressed different ways by which we can save our Mother Earth. They explained 5R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle , Refuse, Recover) waste management strategy .It is the only way to achieve sustainable development and safeguard natural resources. We should reduce, reuse, and recycle waste to conserve and maintain natural resources. Everyone has the ability to protect the Earth and its resources.
The honourable Principal, Mrs. Anuradha Chandel , Vice Principal Mrs.Sukhdeep Kaur and HOD Science Department ,Mr. Sanjesh appreciated the efforts of students .
A landscape painting or drawing refers to an artwork whose primary focus is natural scenery, such as mountains, forests, cliffs, trees, rivers, valleys, etc. The students of 10+1 Science were given practical knowledge of the same by their Art teacher, Mrs. Bhawna Arora.
The Principal ,Mrs. Anuradha Chandel appreciated the students work and motivated them to put in more efforts to be the best in their field.
Feb 7, 2023
The atmosphere of the school is so quiet and calm during the morning assembly. All the students and teachers stand in the ground. This is the time for the children to learn the values of prayer.
CT KINDERGARTEN infuses such values by conducting regular morning family assembly so that children are attached with spirituality and calmness. Regular morning assembly help children to build up confidence by speaking on the stage and enhancing their communication skills.
Feb 7, 2023
The atmosphere of the school is so quiet and calm during the morning assembly. All the students and teachers stand in the ground. This is the time for the children to learn the values of prayer.
CT KINDERGARTEN infuses such values by conducting regular morning family assembly so that children are attached with spirituality and calmness.
Regular morning assembly help children to build up confidence by speaking on the stage and enhancing their communication skills.
Feb 6, 2023
The art of beautiful handwriting: Calligraphy.
It is a craft requiring singularly few tools – the writing pencil and the writing surface; these are the only essentials. The art of calligraphy depends on the scribe having an understanding of the proper use of these two. The students of grade 3rd Adorable, exhibited their writing skills through different forms of calligraphic fonts. The Principal, Mrs.Anuradha Chandel appreciated the good handwritings and motivated the ones who could not write in good formation. The HOD of English Department, Mrs. Meenu Mehta appreciated the efforts of the students.
Feb 6, 2023